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​​Sales and Wanted listings for quota

​​Explore all your sales/acquisition options in one place and choose the one that suits you best.

Create a new listing

It‘s never been more accessible to buy, sell, and lease fishing quota.

  • Get more offers

    ​​Instantly and easily reach hundreds of fishing operators, wholesale traders, and investors.

  • Save on fees

    BeachPrice guarantees to deliver much lower than standard brokerage fees on all sales transactions!

  • Expertise at every step

    From choosing the right listing option, setting a strategic price, all the way to settlement; You‘ll be supported by established industry experts for your fishery.

How it works for Sell My Quota?

Step 1

Choose either fixed price or auction selling.

Step 2

Fully describe what you are selling. And Submit your application for review by our team.

Step 3

Once approved, your listing goes 'live'. You will then receive regular updates about any inquiries for your listing, including counter offers.

Step 4

Choose a good price from counter offers, And sell units at a good price.

How it works for Wanted to Buy?

Step 1

Check the listings to see if what you want is available. If so, you can Buy Now or counter bid any fixed price listings, or put a bid on any live auctions.

Step 2

If what you want is not listed, place a Wanted to Buy listing; include what quota, what quantity, what price per unit, and whether it needs to be Fish On or Fish Off (info icon again).

Step 3

Select a time frame for your offer (you are legally obligated to transact if someone accepts your offer within the time frame.)

Step 4

Submit your application for approval. You will be notified of any inquiries on your listing.